The GSEO acts as the organizer of the CH2Now platform that aims to systematically promote and scale-up Sino-foreign collaborative actions to accelerate the deployment of hydrogen energy solutions and establish international technologically advanced hydrogen energy clusters in key regions of China. The platform promotes the entry or expansion of foreign technology enterprises into key hydrogen energy regional markets, currently Chengdu-Sichuan and Shenzhen-GBA, by facilitating the alignment of foreign companies' strategic goals and technological capabilities with the appropriate counterparts, partners, projects, and FDI location, and mobilizing preferential policies, financial capital, and other supporting instruments.
The platform takes full advantage of the GSEO's extensive network to strengthen dialogue and collaboration channels between foreign enterprises and key stakeholders of selected regions of China, including the provincial and local level governments, large-scale energy groups, hydrogen and fuel cell companies, investment banks, engineering firms, and academia. Relying on the excellent and distinctive conditions of the Chengdu-Sichuan and Shenzhen-GBA regions, stakeholders' interconnection, and value chains and projects integration, the CH2Now platform builds an enabling infrastructure for technological exchanges and business agreements as well as the conception of hydrogen energy application demonstration and early commercial projects.
We invite international organizations and companies to cooperate with us and our local partners in the mission to build technologically advanced international hydrogen energy clusters in key regions of China. For any inquiries regarding the initiative do not hesitate to contact our CH2Now platform manager Feng Xingwen at ( .
Long Yongtu
- Member of the Steering Committee of the GSEO
- Chief Negotiator for China’s resumption of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) contracting party status and its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China
" The GSEO is currently seeking willing partners to cooperate with us on ongoing hydrogen projects in China, with a specific focus on projects in Sichuan Province and Shenzhen and the Guangdong Greater Bay Area. These regions have strong fundamentals for developing the full value chain of hydrogen applications, including large quantities of underutilized hydroelectricity in Sichuan that can be utilized for green hydrogen production and extensive high-tech R&D and manufacturing sectors in Shenzhen, and the GSEO is uniquely positioned to assist foreign enterprises seeking to expand operations in these regions by channeling the resources of our extensive network across the public and private sectors. "