Knowledge Exchange

The GSEO creates opportunities for facilitating high-level dialogue, experience sharing, and knowledge transfer, among international stakeholders in the field of clean energy. In pursuance of this goal, we organize and host high-profile in-person and virtual events, including conferences, forums, symposiums, and seminars. To date, the GSEO has co-organized multiple events gathering international leaders in the clean energy and hydrogen sector, including the “2021 International Conference on Cooperation in the Hydrogen Energy Industry” (2021 ICCHEI), the “2021 International Clean Energy Development and Cooperation Forum,” and the "Sino-American Forum on Cooperation in the Hydrogen Industry.” Other events will be organized during the following months to promote international discussion, cooperation, and knowledge exchange on topics related to clean energy resources development and utilization, low-carbon and green technology, hydrogen energy, and clean energy projects.


In addition, the GSEO organizes training and capacity-building activities to connect experts in the clean energy field with government officials, international organizations, the private sector, academia, and local communities to share the best theoretical and practical experience. The GSEO has been engaging with counterparts from various countries to design beneficiary-based and demand-oriented training and capacity-building programs aimed to increase professional knowledge and clean energy awareness among key stakeholders.

Conference hall of the "2021 ICCHEI," Chengdu

Audience of the "2021 International Forum on Clean Energy Development and Cooperation," Shenzhen

Participants of the "2021 International Hydrogen Energy Industry Development and Cooperation Seminar," Shenzhen

Experts workshop at the Palace Museum, Beijing