Investment facilitation
The GSEO works in close contact with Chinese provincial and local governments as well as domestic large power companies and financial institutions to determine optimal locations for clean energy investments and projects. The GSEO facilitates foreign investments and market entry in China by offering a broad range of support and assistance according to foreign enterprises' specific requirements, business strategies, and market entry stages.
Our support instruments include business matchmaking services; introducing foreign companies to government authorities to negotiate optimal policies and conditions for investment and projects; creating possibilities to participate in planned projects and procurement orders or direct the conception of new clean energy projects; facilitating the application and negotiation of financial support instruments with relevant government authorities and investment banks; assisting foreign enterprises in all preparatory activities and administrative procedures related to entity registration; and, introducing experts to provide policy and legal consultation services.
The GSEO is also committed to facilitating and encouraging clean energy investments and projects around the globe by connecting large energy enterprises and investors with policymakers, national and local governments, public agencies, the business community, and any other relevant stakeholders.